Final works have been completed to the High St and Borough in Yeovil, which will see buses and taxis make a welcome return to the town centre on Friday, 15 December with the festive season in full swing.

Surfacing of these roads completes the extensive upgrade of two of Yeovil town centre’s main streets, which reopened to pedestrians ahead of Remembrance weekend four weeks ago. New bus shelters, which have been in place for some weeks, along with new timetable cases, will also be in operation from next week.

Cllr Ros Wyke, Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning & Assets commented:

I know that the re-opening of High St/Borough and reinstatement of bus and taxi services will be extremely welcome. Commuters, shoppers and party goers will once again be able to use the bus network to travel directly into the town centre during the busy festive season.

I’d like to thank everyone – businesses, commuters and residents alike – for their patience while these regeneration works have been ongoing and would encourage as many people as possible to use the bus network to travel into town wherever possible.

Martin Birchall, SWH Project Manager added:

We would like to thank the local community, including the businesses and residents close to this project for their continued patience throughout the construction phase and hope that they agree that the Borough looks rejuvenated and welcoming to locals and visitors alike.

We hope that the local community enjoy the upgraded space and new bus shelters at the Borough as we now focus on continuing the project on Middle Street, the Triangle and Wyndham Street.

Watch Linda Snelling’s video welcoming back buses to the Borough: Yeovil Refresh Update – Buses Return

Photo: David Edon, South West Coaches and Linda Snelling, Lead of Yeovil Bus Users Group, Taunton Bus Users Group, Member of Somerset Bus Partnership.

David Edon, South West Coaches and Linda Snelling, Lead of Yeovil Bus Users Group, Taunton Bus Users Group, Member of Somerset Bus Partnership.

About this article

December 14, 2023

Gayatri Barua-Howe


Press Release
