We are very happy to introduce the June edition of SEND News, and ourselves!

We are really enjoying our new roles. We are Sam and Molly, and we work in in Inclusion Transformation and Partnerships. Sam is the Engagement and Communications Manager for Inclusion, and Molly is the Communications Officer.

We are working hard to improve our services based on what you tell us and are already building relationships and engaging with many others to ensure this happens. We will keep you in the loop and are always happy to hear from you on sendcomms@somerset.gov.uk or if you feel a face-to-face interview would be more beneficial let us know.

We are looking forward to working with you all to enhance and promote inclusive opportunities and share all the great work that’s being done across Somerset. Recently, Sam was lucky enough to have a school tour of Polden Bower School. The two student ambassadors who led the tour were a credit to themselves and the school.

In our upcoming newsletter editions, we want to ensure we include the voice of children and young people, as it is a crucial element in capturing their perspective. To do this we will feature experiences of the ambassadors at Polden Bower, alongside examples of good practices from our schools, as well as news from the world of SEND.

Looking to this month’s edition, you can catch up on the progress from four new school builds in Somerset, learn about all the events going on as summer continues, and read about Pride month.

We hope you enjoy this edition along with the sun as we head into July!

Sam and Molly.

Sam and Molly portrait

About this article

June 22, 2023

Molly Venn