I am very happy to have this opportunity to introduce myself and the next edition of SEND News.
As you may be aware, I’m the Executive Member for Children and Families at Somerset Council, a role I love. What this means to me is that I’m here for you, I’m in your corner and I’ll make sure your views are listened to and, most importantly, acted on.
As a SEND partnership, we are always looking for ways to improve our services based on what you tell us. If we listen to you, we know we will make changes that will have the biggest impact. I always welcome your messages and I’m happy to hear from you about what is most important to you.
Please keep an eye on SEND News, as over the next few months we’ll be introducing our updated SEND strategy and giving you a feedback form.
Looking to this week’s edition, we’re pleased to bring you the videos from last week’s Local Offer Live events, you’ll find plenty of information and guidance from our providers.
With the Easter break just around the corner, this is our last edition for this term. I hope you all get a chance to enjoy a good break and time doing what you like best.
Cllr Tessa Munt
07714 599 669 (Text is best!)