Somerset Council’s highways team is carrying out important vegetation clearance on the B3224 at Roundwaters near Exford next week.

This will need a road closure and the Council has agreed with Openreach to take advantage of an arranged closure the utility firm has scheduled from 16 October to carry out its own works.

Work is due to start on Monday 16 October and combined it is expected to last for two weeks. The road will be closed between 9:30am and 3:30pm on weekdays in this period so the work can be completed.

Openreach is doing some pole relocation on the site, so this is the best time to clear vegetation while the road is closed already; this is in anticipation of an embankment stabilisation scheme due to take place in the future.

A spokesperson for Somerset Council said:

This scheme on the B3224 is crucially important for all road users in the area.

Carrying out the prep work while the road is already closed prevents another unnecessary closure before the stabilisation scheme takes place. We appreciate this may be disruptive so please ensure you plan ahead.

Access for residents and businesses in the immediate area will be maintained throughout and a diversion will be in place, with full details available nearer the time on Roadworks and travel information page.

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B3224 map

About this article

October 11, 2023

Blake Jones

Press Release
