We started off this month’s meeting with an update on how everyone was and what they have been doing. This was important because we haven’t seen each other in a while. We also had the opportunity to meet Claire Winter, the Executive Director of Children and Families.  She introduced herself and her job role to the Unstoppables. This was also a chance for the Unstoppables to talk to her about their experiences.

We then went on to discuss topics on inclusion – this represented inclusion in education or the workplace. We did a discussion about what inclusion means to us, and everyone had the opportunity to share their lived experiences and thoughts. The Unstoppables also had the opportunity to share their ideas on how inclusion could be improved. This question is important because it gives the Unstoppables a chance to share and have their voice listened too.

The icebreaker that we played was a game like flash cards, a card was picked for us one by one, and we had an instruction on the back. One of my cards was “your cat has eaten your homework, what do you say to your teacher?”. Then after this very funny game we discussed voting for their next topic, the winning vote was for mental health. This will be the main topic for next month’s meeting.

Sadly, this session was one of our members last time at the Unstoppables and they have been a member since 2015, they will truly be missed by everyone in the Unstoppables. We finished the session by asking them some key questions about their time at the Unstoppables. We thank them for everything they have done since being a member of our forum 😊

Our next meeting is Saturday 4th November 2023. If you or someone you know would like to be a member of the Unstoppables then follow the link to our form Expression of Interest to join The Unstoppables (office.com) 😊

Similarly, If you or a young person you know wants more information about how they can join the Unstoppables, or be part of our work they/you can contact us via email (SENDParticipationTeam@somerset.gov.uk) or via phone/What’s App (07976 809 773).

You can also follow us on social media:

Facebook @sendparticipationteam

Instagram @sendparticipation

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About this article

October 20, 2023

Molly Venn