Plans to sell the High Street Car Park in Taunton are set to be reversed next month, Somerset Council has confirmed today (11 February).
Councillor Mike Rigby, Somerset Council’s Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning and Assets, has scheduled a decision to no longer progress the sale of the 270-space multi-story car park, which is also known as Mary Street Car Park.
The key decision recommending the removal of the car park from the ‘for sale’ list has been added to the Council’s forward plan and will be formalised before the end of March.
The move follows significant feedback from Taunton Town Council, businesses and local members concerned by the possible impacts of selling it for development.
Cllr Rigby said:
This Council has to be sustainable in these extremely tough financial times, but we also have to listen. The message we’ve heard loud and clear is that the impacts of the sale of the High Street car park are such that we need to reconsider and that’s what we have done. We thank everyone who has taken the time to let us know their views.
Last August, the Council’s Executive agreed to dispose of more than 20 assets including the car park as part of its strategy to make sure its portfolio is sustainable in light of the financial pressures facing the Council.