On July 8th the Summer Reading Challenge launches! The Challenge encourages children aged 4 to 11 to enjoy the benefits of reading for pleasure over the summer holidays. It can be joined in person or online and is for both devoted book lovers and those who are new to reading – everyone is welcome!

  1. Get Ready and sign up and at a local library or online

Visit your nearest library branch today to sign up your child for the Reading Challenge. They will be presented with a special collector folder to help keep track of their progress. They can also sign up online via http://bit.ly/SRCRegister2023 to take part in Somerset Libraries.

  1. Get Set to Read books

This year we are challenging you to read six books. It doesn’t matter what type of book it is, how many pages it has, or even if it is books that they listen to. The beauty of this challenge is the freedom to read anything they like – the choice is theirs!

  1. Get reading and collect rewards

Each time a young person finishes two books, they can visit library again to share their accomplishment and get rewards for each two books they read. When they read all six books they get a medal and a certificate for taking part.

You can find out more on the Summer Reading Challenge website at https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/ and additionally register there for additional games and activities for children to take part in.

To find your local library visit https://www.somerset.gov.uk/libraries/our-libraries/.

Poster for the Summer Reading Challenge 2023. Ready, set, read! Presented by The reading Agency. Delivered in partnership with libraries. Logo's for the Youth Sport Trust, Inspiring Active Reads and The Reading Agency.

About this article

June 22, 2023

Molly Venn