Somerset Council is asking for community opinion to shape the future of Taunton’s cherished waterways.

The Taunton Waterways Strategy and Guidance is now open for a 6-week consultation and the council is inviting the public to share their opinions to help influence the proposals which have been created with the help of key stakeholders.

Putting the waterways at the centre of the town’s renewal, the Taunton Waterways Strategy aims to reconnect with our environment and communities by enhancing Taunton’s rivers, canals, and streams and the areas around them.

This plan identifies opportunities to enhance character and attractiveness, strengthen green corridors, and improve walking and cycling routes.

It will also boost the local economy, attract investment and visitors, and foster community networks through new and revitalised spaces.

Identifying these opportunities and associated projects is a vital first step and will form the basis for future funding bids and partnership working to secure their delivery.

The strategy covers the area from the Silk Mills park and ride, west of Longrun Meadow to the M5 motorway, and includes the River Tone, the Taunton and Bridgwater Canal and tributaries that run through the town’s neighbourhoods.

To view the draft and have your say, visit the Taunton Waterways Strategy and Guidance Consultation page.

The consultation period runs from 18 October to 28 November 2024.

During the consultation period, exhibitions will also be held at Deane House and Taunton Library during normal opening hours.

Key themes of the strategy include:

  • A management and maintenance plan created with input from the lead Local Flood Authority, Environment Agency, and Canal and River Trust
  • Identifying and prioritising key investments and projects
  • Maximising the positive outcomes from investment for the community, the environment, placemaking and flood and water management
  • Setting goals for the strategy’s delivery
  • Providing design guidance for town centre brownfield regeneration sites
  • Identifying potential funding sources to deliver the strategy and its projects

The waterways are at the heart of the Taunton Garden Town Vision, and the final Taunton Waterways Strategy and associated guidance for town centre development sites will guide planning and serve as evidence for the new local plan.

The work so far has been paid for by grant funding linked to the Taunton Garden Town status.

Public opinion is vital for shaping and making sure the Taunton Waterways Strategy meets community needs and guides decisions on maintaining, improving, and integrating the river and canal into the town’s development, to create a vibrant, sustainable, and accessible waterway network for all at the heart of Taunton.

A beautiful sunny day view of the river Tone near Taunton, with flourishing trees on the bankside.

About this article

January 3, 2025

Lorraine Hemmings

Climate Emergency


Press Release
