In December, professionals and service directors from Somerset Council and the Local Area Partnership met to discuss the progress on Somerset’s SEND Strategy. Attendees met at Taunton Racecourse and spent the day in workshops led by the Somerset Parent Carer Forum.
The SEND Strategy was launched in April of this year, and was shaped by extensive engagement with children, young people and families and sets out how services will be delivered and led over the next three years (2023-26).
It has been developed by Somerset SEND Local Area Partnership, which includes Somerset Council, NHS Somerset, Education: schools, early years, further education providers, Somerset Parent Carer Forum, The Unstoppables and Voluntary, Community, Faith, Social Enterprise.
The meeting provided an excellent opportunity to dig deep into the different areas set out in the strategy, and discussions were held in groups on how we have done so far, what good practice looks like, links to other services, and challenges in delivering and of the strategy.
This was hugely helpful and allowed in depth and passionate discussion across teams and professions. It soon became clear that there is already a lot of great work happening in all areas of the partnership, while there is still work to be done over the next three years. The next step is to use the findings from this meeting, and to utilise these links to ensure work is being carried collaboratively and communication between services is strengthened. Holding annual meetings such as this, ensures that accountability is upheld, and that collaboration is fostered.
Thank you to everyone who attended and let us keep working hard to deliver this strategy. You can find out more about the Strategy by visiting SEND Strategy and our plans. You can read the full strategy at SEND Strategy, or and the Easy Read at SEND Strategy Easy Read.