Somerset Council are asking people to have their say on the proposed changes to admission arrangements for Somerset schools from the academic year 2025 to 2026. Admissions arrangements can include catchment area boundaries, published admission numbers and the criteria used to allocate places.

Any parent or carer whose child is starting or transferring school in the academic year 2025/26 is particularly encouraged to take part, as it could directly affect school choices for their children.

Individuals are invited to share their thoughts via the online consultation, which can be found here: The consultation is open to all members of the public and all comments will be taken into consideration by Somerset Council or the relevant admissions authority.

The consultation closes on 26 January 2024. Please share this widely. For more information, you can email Linsey Banks at

School Admission Arrangements 2025/2026 Consultation image

About this article

January 25, 2024

Molly Venn