Somerset Council is calling out to anyone who has recently planted or plans to plant trees, to ‘root for Somerset’ and add them to the Somerset Tree Planting Register.

As part of the 10-year Somerset Tree Strategy launched last June, developed with partners like the Woodland Trust and the Environment Agency, the goal is to plant 240 hectares (93 square miles) of new trees across Somerset each year until 2033 to get the county’s tree coverage to at least the national average.

The Somerset Tree Planting Register will help us track these important tree-planting goals.

Although we may think of Somerset as having an abundance of trees, the Somerset Tree Strategy revealed that the county’s tree cover is currently 5% below the national average of 13%, at just 8%. To address this shortfall, we are implementing several successful woodland creation projects across the county. However, due to diseases, pests, pathogens (bacteria, fungi, and viruses), and other factors, we are also losing a significant number of trees. We don’t have a precise figure for these losses at present, but we know it’s enough to make our planting ambitions even more important for the future of Somerset’s trees.   

How you can help

We know some great tree-planting schemes are happening across Somerset by parishes, community groups, schools, businesses, farmers, and individuals. The Somerset Tree Planting Register celebrates these efforts. Putting your trees on the map not only helps us monitor progress and make informed decisions about future focus areas but will also provide valuable information to support external funding opportunities.

Can we count on you?

Make your new trees count and put them on the map, visit The Somerset Tree Planting Register. We are interested in trees planted since October 2023. It takes less than five minutes.

Spread the word. If you know someone who has recently planted new trees, please encourage them to add them to the Somerset Tree Planting Register.

Councillor Dixie Darch, Lead Member for Environment and Climate Change said:

“The Somerset Tree Strategy was launched last year in recognition of how important trees are to the Somerset landscape, the environment, and how that impacts the lives of residents, ecology, and society. It belongs to us all.”

“I encourage anyone who’s planted new trees to root for Somerset and register them on the Somerset Tree Planting Register, as part of a community effort to get Somerset’s tree cover from 5% to at least 13% where it should be nationally.”

Planning to plant trees?

We can help. If you are considering planting trees in the next tree planting season, from October 2024 to March 2025 start planning now. If you are not sure where to begin or need advice, Somerset Council has two Woodland Creation Officers, who are externally funded by the Woodland Acceleration Fund – they can offer a wealth of practical knowledge and expertise to help you get the right trees planted in the right place for the right reasons. 

Take action. Few of us will have the land itself, but many of us will be involved in schools, colleges, parish councils, community groups, farms, or know others who might have land that is suitable for tree planting. If you, or an organisation you are involved with, have an interest in planting trees and need expert advice, we encourage you to get in touch. Our woodland creation team can also help with signposting to national grant funding.

Inspire others. Get involved, get more information, or share your tree planting story and photos with us so that we can share the love in our climate newsletter SEEN, and celebrate the great tree planting happening across the county.

For all tree planting enquiries and news please contact our woodland creation team at

Let’s all Root for Somerset and help grow Somerset’s tree canopy!

A man holding a young tree sapling beside wording that says Root for somerset. Make your trees count along with a link to the page to map newly planted trees

About this article

July 12, 2024

Lorraine Hemmings

Climate Emergency

Press Release