Help your Local Authority and NHS services by returning equipment you no longer need.
Look for the barcoded equipment label – it will have either Medequip or Millbrook Healthcare on it.
Contact Medequip to request a collection by calling 01823 211699 or email
If you would prefer to return equipment yourself, you can bring it to
Community Equipment and Wheelchair Service
Unit 1, The Monarch Centre
Venture Way, Priorswood Industrial Estate
Between 8.00am and 6.00pm Monday to Friday.
- Local NHS and social care services lose thousands of pounds each year due to missing equipment.
- Whatever it is, whatever state it is in, all items will be assessed and safety tested and either repaired and reused, or stripped down to be recycled.
What might you have?
- Wheelchairs
- Hoists
- Chair raisers
- Bed levels
- Perching stools
- Pressure mattresses
- Wheeled adjustable frames
- Toilet frames
- Shower chairs/stools
- Bath seats/lifts
- Crutches
- Commodes
For more information, please visit: