There was a referendum for the parish of Puriton on Thursday, 4th July to decide whether the residents of Puriton wish to request formally that Somerset Council uses the Puriton Neighbourhood Plan when deciding planning applications.

The referendum asked voters the question, ‘Do you want Somerset Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Puriton to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?’

The result of the referendum for the Neighbourhood Plan is:
Total number of votes cast – 1,079
Number cast in favour of ‘yes’ – 874
Number cast in favour of ‘no’ – 171
Turnout was 59.2%

Background information
A neighbourhood plan sets out planning policy for a neighbourhood and once adopted by the Council becomes the main document against which planning applications in the area must be judged. It can, for example:
• identify key priorities for a community that relate to use of land
• define where new homes, commercial premises or other development should be built
• influence what new buildings should look like
• protect locally valued buildings or green space.
It can not be used to stop development or override district or national policy.

Black ballot boxes lined up in a row.

About this article

July 5, 2024

Andrew Doyle

Press Release