Somerset residents are asked to have their say on the way services for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are funded. The consultation runs until the 21st of October and the results will be published as part of the papers ahead of Scrutiny Children & Families and Executive in November 2024.

A link to the consultation and more information can be found on our Local Offer Pages here:

Public Q&A Webinar Sessions
Two sessions will be taking place on the 10th of October to answer your questions with Claire Winter (Executive Director Children, Families and Education) and Amelia Walker (Service Director Education, Partnerships and Skills) of Somerset Council.

Please join these virtual sessions to hear more about the consultation details and proposals and have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have. The sessions will take a question-and-answer Webinar format. The format of both sessions will be the same, so you only need to join one at the time that suits you (although feel free to join both if you would like!).

You will have the chance to come on camera and ask your questions or can keep your questions in the chat if you do not want to be on camera. You will need to supply your email to sign up to these sessions:

Thursday 10th October

1pm – 2pm: Sign up here.
5:00 – 6:00pm: Sign up here.

More information
The current system for supporting children with SEND is under pressure both nationally and in Somerset, with rising costs and situations arising where children’s needs are not being met as quickly as anyone would want, and where arrangements are not having the impact that they should.

Somerset Council is seeking views on seven proposals which aim to make improvements in key areas including funding and support, inclusive education, and annual planning. No decisions will be made until the consultation has closed and the responses have been reviewed. This will then inform a full business case, which will go through democratic decision making later this year.

Below two graphics are attached that you can use to promote these webinars. One is suitable for screens, and the other for social media or newsletters – please share these sessions far and wide with your networks, parent carers, colleagues and anyone who would be interested!

About this article

September 29, 2024

Molly Venn