What is the purpose of this consultation survey?
We want people to have their say on the draft document to create a fully co-produced final version.
The draft content in this document has already been developed by various stakeholder groups, including; Advisory Teachers, Educational Psychologists, College Settings, Health Colleagues, Parent Carer Forum and other appropriate professionals.
How do I take part?
Read the draft document found here on the Local Offer, with particular focus on the ‘Broad Areas of Need’ sections.
Submit feedback using the Microsoft Forms Questionnaire linked here, https://forms.office.com/e/rMZHeZdLuXor by scanning the QR code below.
What will happen next?
As a result of this work, the Post-16 Somerset Graduated Response Tool will provide young people, parent carers, settings and professionals with the latest information about support and provision available for young people with SEND. Our aim is for every young person’s needs to be met so that they get the most from their provision.
To make sure there is a consistent approach to SEND provision, the updated standards will be embedded Somerset-wide and throughout the system.
Responses to the consultation survey need to be submitted by 8am 16.06.2024.
If you have any questions, please direct them to InclusionSENSupportServices@somerset.gov.uk with the subject ‘Post-16 Somerset Graduated Response Tool Review Questionnaire’.