Somerset is one of the areas who are involved in the pilot of PINS funded by NHS England and the Department for Education. We have 39 schools taking part each receiving a 37.5 hour package of tailored support. All the schools have completed a self-assessment which has helped to shape the offer for their school.

As part of the project Somerset Parent Carer Forum have held 42 parent carer coffee mornings across the schools where they have talked to parents about their experiences and signposted them to information and support.

Last week some of the schools joined the Engagement and Participation Team from Somerset Council for a workshop on pupil voice. The session was well received and provided a space for reflection on what schools are already doing and provided some examples of tools that can be used.

Other training for schools which has taken place include:

  • Use of data to support monitoring of inclusion
  • Making Sense of Neurodiversity
  • Good Autism practice which supports teacher with understanding reasonable adjustments and strategies they can use the in the classroom
  • Anxiety and Autism
  • Supporting neurodiverse students with transitions
  • Using pupil voice within the school

To find out more about PINS visit Somerset’s SEND Local Offer at

About this article

November 29, 2024

Molly Venn