Martock-Ash Academy is a new Special Free School planned to open in 2024 in South Somerset. It will grow to accommodate 120 pupilsaged 5-16, who have an Education and Health Care Plans identifies Social & Emotional Mental Health Needs (SEMH) and /or Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN). 

The planning application has been submitted and we would appreciate your support to demonstrate the need for the school.  Please write a short statement of support on the planning portal by following the link below.   

22/01432/FUL | Full planning application for the erection of a new SEND school, the creation of a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA), sports fields, associated car parking and drop-off facilities, new vehicular and pedestrian access, hard and soft landscaping and associated ancillary works. | Land OS 7000 Main Street Ash Martock Somerset ( 

The Academy will serve children and young people who are not able to access mainstream provision due a Special Educational Need.

The school will be funded and delivered by the Department for Education (DfE) as part of theFree Schools Programme and will be run by Wave Multi Academy Trust. 

The academy is planned to be located just off the Ash-Tintinhull Road near the junction with the A303. 

About this article

July 8, 2022

Keir Mitton