Let’s Talk SEND & Inclusion Events

We are delighted to announce the first of our Let’s Talk SEND & Inclusion events for this year. This event is for parent carers and practitioners in Somerset.

The event will include a range of opportunities to share your views on SEND and Inclusion topics such as

  1. EHC assessments, funding
  2. Somerset’s SEND Local Offer
  3. Support for parent carers
  4. Using Learning support assistants to support direct payment work
  5. Complaints, comments and compliments

The event will also include Somerset’s Local Offer live event. This brings together information stalls from a range of providers. For more information please see here – Local Offer Live (somerset.gov.uk)

Event Details

Face to face – Cheddar Community Pavilion, Sharpham Rd, Cheddar BS27 3DR

Date Tuesday 11th June 2024

Time – 10am-2pm

If you would like to attend, please book a space via the form below.


If you are a provider and would like a stand, please complete the form below.


Online – MSTeams

Date Tuesday 11th June 2024

Time – 7-8pm

If you would like to attend, select a topic and book a space via the links below

7:00 – 7:30pm  Connect Somerset – Connect Somerset is a partnership between Somerset Council, Somerset NHS, Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprises, Schools, Colleges and Early Years settings. This session will provide an opportunity for you to learn more and discuss what would be helpful from this offer. The session will be run by Laura Annandale, Programme Manager – Connect Somerset for Somerset Council.

7:00 – 7:30pm  EHCP process – Plans are intended to be supportive documents, but sometimes it can feel like the process gets in the way. What is working, what needs to change? The session will be run by Claire Merchant-Jones, Strategic Manager, Head of SEND for Somerset Council.

7:20 – 7:50pm  Supporting parents – Being a parent of a child with SEND can bring challenges. We focus a lot of children’s support within the classroom, but do parents get the support they need as a key player in their child’s education? The session will be run by Amelia Walker, Service Director Education, Partnerships & Skills for Somerset Council.

7:30 – 8:00pm  Using Learning Support assistants to support direct payment work outside of school. The session will be run by Louise Palmer, Strategic Commissioner Children’s Services for Somerset Council.

7:30 – 8:00pm  Somerset’s SEND Local Offer platform – what works/doesn’t work for you and what would you like to see. The session will be run by Gemma Pickford-Waugh,Local Offer Co-ordinator for Somerset Council.

8:00 – 8:30pm  Funding support – There are many things money can’t buy, but money does make all the difference for some kinds of support for children with SEND. Should it be easier for schools to get funding for children with SEND, without an EHCP? The session will be run by Amelia Walker, Service Director Education, Partnerships & Skills for Somerset Council.

8:15 – 8:45pm  How effective is the current compliments, comments and complaints systems for SEND? The session will be run by Samantha Baker, Comms and Engagement lead for Somerset Council.


For more information please email  admin@somersetparentcarerforum.org.uk


About this article

June 5, 2024

Samantha Baker