Your regular bitesize update for new or updated information, services for professionals supporting children and young people aged 0-25 years old with additional needs in Somerset, and their families.
So what was new during July?
Autism and ADHD Pathway has had several updates. This includes clarity over the advice line and general enquiries line uses. If you are waiting for an appointment, you will be contacted as soon as this can be booked. Timescales to first remain the same, the advice line won’t be able to offer an update/change of when your appointment may be before you get to the top of the list, however for advice, guidance and support whilst waiting please contact the telephone advise line. The ADHD medicines shortage information has been updated and it is now clearer who to contact for updates or changes. ADHD Training with Educational Psychology have the next years dates ready for booking, The Autism in Schools Project Report has been uploaded to share progress so far. Evaluation of training and feedback from parents suggests school staff’s understanding of autistic young people’s needs has improved. Sensory Audits have helped settings make adjustments in the environment or use other strategies to support. The project expects to end in October 2024.
Collaborative Outcomes Meetings has been updated to reflect changes in timing of the decision of whether to issue an Education Health and Care Plan. This decision will now take place AFTER the Collaborative Outcomes Meeting is held so that the support and provision required to meet the needs of the child/young person can be fully considered in decision making.
Exam Access Arrangements is a new page to explain what exam access arrangement are and how to request them, including possible assessments needed.
CIA Team Summer Activity Calendar has lots of things for children and young people with additional needs to do to do over the summer.