In 2021, the Inclusion Champions Network was established, uniting a dedicated group of employees and volunteers from across the system in Somerset. The primary goal is to create and embed an inclusive culture that supports individuals with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) across our organisations.
We are excited to share updates on our ongoing efforts to foster an inclusive culture within our organisations in Somerset!
To equip our Champions with the necessary skills and knowledge, they have actively participated in comprehensive training sessions facilitated by a wide variety of organisations. These sessions have proven invaluable in enhancing their understanding of SEND and promoting inclusivity. The role is varied, and works to raise awareness, shift practice to improve inclusion, and continually responds to issues and themes raised.
In June, a core group of champions came together at the wonderful Polden Bower School. During their visit, they were given a tour by some of the school’s pupils and spent the afternoon strategizing how to recruit even more amazing champions to join our cause.
Looking ahead to the rest of 2023, our ambition is to further strengthen our efforts by creating and embedding a SEND positive and inclusive culture across our local area. We are excited to announce that we will be recruiting additional champions in the coming months, and further details will be shared soon. Stay tuned for updates as we finalize our plans in August and September. We have much more to unveil, and together we can build a more inclusive and welcoming community. Watch this space!