Two Somerset men have been awarded honours for services to their communities.

John Bishton, from Bruton, has received an MBE and Christopher Rutt, from Kilve, a BEM.

Both received their honours from the Lord-Lieutenant of Somerset, Mohammed Saddiq, during a ceremony at the Bishop’s Palace in Wells.

The Lord-Lieutenant thanked them both for their “enduring commitment to Somerset wellbeing, whilst scripting a story of progress, compassion and shared success.”

John Henry Bishton MBE

John has an outstanding record of service to the community of Bruton where his tireless voluntary work has made a significant difference to the residents of this historic small town.

A member of The Bruton Trust, a civic society, he has played a pivotal role as secretary in preserving the nature of the town and has taken the lead in several notable and innovative campaigns including work with English Heritage to upgrade the Grade 1 listed almshouses, overseeing the creation of an attractive riverside walk and sensitive involvement over negotiations for a brown field site housing development within the town centre.

He has chaired the Fabric Committee of the 15th century church, been a voluntary driver for the Red Cross and organised public lectures and guided tours, encouraging local participation in the environment.

Christopher Robin Rutt BEM

Christopher Rutt has been responsible for improving village life in Kilve for over 40 years.

Prior to his retirement he was landlord of the village pub and was already recognised as someone who would offer help to those in trouble. Since retiring he has committed to a number of voluntary roles in various village institutions.

He has served as editor of Kilve News (including arranging printing and distribution). He has distributed a welcome pack to new village residents.

Additionally, Christopher has also served as a Parish Councillor and also treasurer on the Parochial Church Council, taking an active part in restoring and maintaining the local church.

In both these roles he has been at the forefront of organising village events , particularly fund raising activities for village goals. In summary, he has worked tirelessly for decades to benefit his small village community in both formal and informal capacities.

John Bishton and Christopher Rutt receiving their honours from the Lord-Lieutenant of Somerset, Mohammed Saddiq.

About this article

December 8, 2023

Rebecca Howat

Press Release