A historic milestone in Taunton’s history was reached on Saturday (1 April) when the county town’s own council came into being.

The new council covered the previously unparished area of Taunton, the only part of Somerset not to have a city, town or parish council as a result of local government reorganisation in 1974. It includes parts of neighbouring parishes which were considered under the Community Governance Review.

Elections to the town council will be held on 4 May for 20 councillors representing 14 wards. The Statement of Persons Nominated to stand as a Councillor has now been published.

The launch of the town council coincided with the unitary Somerset Council coming into being. City, town, and parish councils will – if they wish – play a bigger part in making sure that Somerset’s services are the best they can be. More powers will be devolved, and grassroots councils will be given the chance to take on greater responsibilities.

In Taunton, the new council will be responsible for street care and cleaning, parks and open spaces (excluding Vivary Park), toilets, events, allotments, and the Mayoralty. It will also be able to comment on planning decisions.

The website is now available at taunton-tc.gov.uk and the Council can be contacted on:

Email: info@taunton-tc.gov.uk
Tel: 01823 793637
Council Offices, PO Box 998, Taunton, TA1 9QQ

Visit the Council’s Elections webpage for further information on the elections.

This year voters will need Voter ID if planning to vote in person at a polling station. Accepted forms of ID include passport; driving licence; an older person’s bus pass. Visit the Electoral Commission’s Voter ID webpage for more details.

You can still use your photo ID if it is out of date if it looks like you. The name on your ID should be the same name you used to register to vote.

Voter Authority Certificates are available for eligible voters without acceptable ID.
Applications can be made online, by post or in person.

If you have any queries regarding your right to vote, please contact a member of the Elections Team at electionsswt@somerset.gov.uk or contact Electoral Services at 01823 358692.

Taunton Town Council logo and the Electoral Commission's 'Remember, I need photo ID to vote' post-it note

About this article

April 6, 2023


Press Release