Somerset Council is consulting on the draft school term and holiday dates for the 2026 – 2027 and 2027- 2028 academic years. These will apply to Community and Voluntary Controlled schools. While Academies, Voluntary Aided, Foundation, and Free schools can set their own dates, many choose to align with those set by Somerset Council.
Feedback from this consultation will be gathered and presented to a working party in March 2025, with the final dates published on Somerset Council’s website in April 2025.
Here are some key points about the draft dates for both academic years:
A total of 195 school days have been identified, including 5 INSET days.
Terms will generally start on a Monday and finish on a Friday, aiming for similar lengths.
Initial consultations with neighbouring Local Authorities suggest they will propose similar dates.
For each academic year there are two options for consideration.
Academic year 2026 – 2027
Option A shows a proposed calendar with a 10-day Christmas break (including bank holidays), with term six ending on Friday 23 July. This is the option favoured by most of our neighbouring authorities
Option B is an extended Christmas break for 12 days. With term six ending on Tuesday 27 July
Academic year 2027 – 2028
Option A shows a proposed calendar with a 11-day Christmas break (including bank holidays), with term 6 ending on Friday 21 July. This is the option favoured by most of our neighbouring authorities
Option B is an extended Christmas break for 13 days. With term six ending on Tuesday 25 July
Link to consultation can be found here.
This consultation closes at midnight on Friday 7 March 2025.
If you have any questions before submitting your comments, you can contact Samantha Bidgood from the Education Places Team at