Minehead, Taunton, Wellington and Yeovil have yet again entered the famous gardening competition, South West in Bloom, part of the Britain in Bloom campaign established by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS).

In July, the Somerset towns welcomed judges of the awards on tours of the many parks, gardens, green spaces and RHS’s ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ groups (IYNs) that have entered the contest.

In Somerset, the Bloom initiatives are jointly managed by the town councils and Somerset Council respectively, whilst local community groups and individuals support with the design and maintenance of the floral displays and green spaces.

This year, Minehead In Bloom has entered the Sargent Cup, Taunton in Bloom has entered the Tesco Cup,  Wellington in Bloom has entered the Portman Cup and Yeovil in Bloom has entered the St. Bridget Cup.

Yeovil in Bloom has won gold for the past 12 years and it is the 27th time entering the competition. Minehead is relatively new to the competition, whereas Wellington and Taunton have been entering for over 25 years, with Taunton winning the National Finals in 2008.

The Horticultural Team at Somerset Council are looking to expand the scheme across other towns and to work more closely with individual City, Town and Parish Councils to improve their sustainability, conservation efforts and partnership working with residents and groups.

Cllr Federica Smith-Roberts, Lead Member for Communities, Housing and Culture, said:

A lot of hard work has gone into making our towns look their best for a chance to win at these prestigious awards.

I would like to thank the town councils, our staff and the many volunteers involved for creating such beautiful displays – I have no doubt the Britain in Bloom judges had a tough time making decisions – the quality of Somerset entrants is exceptional!

I wish each town the best of luck and I look forward to finding out the results in October.

Manny Roper, Chair of the Yeovil in Bloom Steering Group, said:

On the day of the judging, we welcomed and introduced the Judge to the In Bloom Committee, IYNs, Street Scene Team and Grounds Team.

We began at St. John’s Church where a detailed talk was given about all elements of Yeovil In Bloom, including the spring and summer planting, wildflower areas, IYNs, sponsored roundabouts and how local charity, Able2Achieve were involved.

The Judge was then taken on a tour of the town visiting the Quedam, Reckleford School, Yeovil Hospital’s Dementia Garden, Milford Dip Allotment Site, the IYN at Kenmore Drive and Yeovil’s Country Park.

The floral displays around the town looked absolutely stunning, so a huge thanks to all involved.

We now look forward to the presentation in October with our fingers crossed that we are awarded Gold.

South West in Bloom is just one of eighteen regional competitions that make up Britain in Bloom. Learn more about it here: www.southwestinbloom.org.uk.

Yeovil in Bloom and Bloom judge stood outside St John's Church, Yeovil.

About this article

August 15, 2023

Jade Chant


Press Release