A host of English language learning and support resources are available online as part of the Transparent Language Online (TLO) service, available to anyone wishing to learn, improve or brush up on their language skills.

The TLO service is completely free and available to all Somerset Libraries members. With over 110 different languages available, the service offers a wide range of learning tools suitable for both adults and children – including a child-specific course called ‘KidSpeak.’

A service user told us:

I have been thinking about hosting a refugee family and this service means I will at least be able to say a few things in their own language, which feels much more welcoming. Also, the English language modules for children will enable them to learn at home and should help them when they go to school.

Accessed remotely, the service enables learning from anywhere – including the library, Somersets Welcome Hubs, from home or simply from a smartphone. A user Guide to Access Transparent Language Online is also available for Somerset Library members.

Cllr Federica Smith-Roberts, Lead Member for Communities, Housing and Culture at Somerset Council, comments:

As a county we are committed to providing as much support and guidance as possible to welcome, integrate and resettle displaced people in our communities.

Transparent Language Online is another fantastic, free resource for anyone looking to learn or improve their language skills, whether at a beginner or more advanced level. The service allows you to learn at your own pace, tracking progress on your Learning Path page and building confidence with written and spoken English or other languages.

Support and help in becoming a library member and accessing the learning resources is available at the Welcome Hubs in Taunton, Frome, Bridgwater, Yeovil, Wells or Watchet.

To find out more about online language learning services, as well as the wealth of other free resources available to Somerset residents both online or through our network of 32 libraries, visit Learning Online (somerset.gov.uk).

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About this article

November 22, 2023

Gayatri Barua-Howe


Press Release