The Unstoppables met in February to talk about the support that they and other Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities young people receive in education, they were joined by the Somerset Council Executive Director for Children, Families and Education, Claire Winter.

After introductions and some icebreakers, the group talked about their experiences of support in education, looking at what support they have in school or college and what does and doesn’t currently work well for them.

Generally, members of the group felt that their support was very helpful for their needs and aided them through their education. Some felt that the support was fantastic, including 1:1’s without an EHCP/diagnosis. A few had experienced a 1:1 in their class but felt that they were given the space to be independent, but another said that they had a 1:1 from the minute school started up until it ended and that this impacted their independence. One other member felt that it was difficult for them to know whether an earlier diagnosis or an EHCP would have led to more beneficial support in education.

Members ranked the factors of their support on a ‘washing line’, going from what works well to what doesn’t work, pinning each onto the line with pegs. This showed that things like 1:1 support, different ways of learning, accessible rooms and equipment and group sizes worked well, but feelings cards weren’t really observed.

After lunch members recapped the group’s priorities from last year and then set the priorities for the coming year. The new priorities included health, feeling included, getting the right support, preparing for and transitions to adulthood, disability language and recruiting new members.

Our next meeting is on Saturday 1st of March 2025.

If you or a young person you know wants more information about how they can join the Unstoppables or be part of our work they/you can contact us via email ( or via phone/What’s App (07976 809 773).

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Did you know: you can find out more about young people’s voice on Somerset’s SEND Local Offer: 

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About this article

March 3, 2025

Molly Venn