Breastfeeding is great for both mother and baby, helping to build a strong bond and giving babies the best start in life.

With National Breastfeeding Week about to start (18-25 September) with the theme “Everyone has a part to play in helping mums to breastfeed”, Somerset Council is encouraging more organisations, venues and businesses in the county to sign up to Positive About Breastfeeding.

Many already have signed up, demonstrating their commitment to giving every baby in Somerset the best start in life and supporting every family to have the greatest experience of breastfeeding while out and about that they can. More information is available on the Healthy Somerset website: Somerset Positive about Breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding can be challenging and many mums experience hurdles along the way. Displaying the ‘positive about breastfeeding’ sticker can make families and breastfeeding mothers feel more welcome and help mum and baby reach their breastfeeding goals.

The Council’s own buildings are signed up to the initiative, including libraries – warm and comfortable places to breastfeed – and Well Baby and Health Child clinics. Criteria for inclusion are:

  • Babies can be breastfed anywhere in any public area
  • There is an implemented breastfeeding policy and all staff are aware of how to implement the policy
  • The setting advertises itself as Positive about Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a skill that takes time – but there’s support, help and guidance available to Somerset mums to help them gain confidence through support groups with details available online on the Healthy Somerset website Somerset Positive about Breastfeeding or via midwives and health visitors.

Cllr Adam Dance, Executive Member for Public Health, Equalities and Diversity, said:

The groups not only provide information, but also provide mums with the chance to meet others in their area, share experiences and make new friends.

I would really encourage more places to sign up as Positive Places to support breastfeeding mums and babies. Those first, days, weeks and months are so important for a healthy start in life. Mothers and babies can carry on enjoying the benefits of breastfeeding for as long as they wish.

image of mother breastfeeding her baby

About this article

September 14, 2023

Debbie Rundle

Press Release

Public Health