Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) is an educational psychology led intervention for promoting the emotional literacy and wellbeing of children and young people. The role of ELSAs has grown significantly in Somerset since it was introduced a number of years ago, and we are currently offering training and ongoing supervision to over 300 qualified ELSAs across the county.

ELSA has the most impact when:

  • ELSAs attend regular half-termly supervision with an Educational Psychologist.
  • Protected time is allocated each week for ELSA work and associated planning/preparation.
  • A consistent, designated space is identified where ELSA sessions can take place.
  • ELSA is embedded within a whole-school ethos of supporting emotional wellbeing.

ELSA Training 23/24

Training is available for teaching assistants working in Somerset education settings. We have training planned for three cohorts in the academic year 23/24. Spaces fill up fast and the first course running in the autumn term is already fully booked! If you would like to receive email notification when ELSA training dates are available to book, please email: Louise Morgan, louise.morgan@somerset.gov.uk

Somerset ELSA Conference 2023

Booking is now open for the Somerset ELSA Conference 2023 where we have a range of talks and workshops planned to support those working in the ELSA role. This is a great opportunity to reflect, learn and meet other ELSAs from across the county. Find out more and book your place: ELSA Conference 2023 | Support Services for Education

About this article

July 20, 2023

Molly Venn