Bus users in Somerset are being signposted to an important document aimed at protecting the quality and performance of bus services.

Drawn up by Somerset Council, bus user groups and operators, the Bus Passenger Charter for Somerset establishes a consistent standard for bus services to meet and aims to improve the way passengers can hold the Council and operators to account.

The charter, which is a condition of Somerset’s Bus Service Improvement Plan, sets out the standard of service the passenger can reasonably expect when they travel on any route operating within the County, and also what the Council and operator can reasonably expect in terms of passenger behaviour.

Included in the Charter are key pledges such as:

  • Clear information to help plan a journey and about any possible disruptions
  • Recognisable bus stops with up-to-date information
  • Buses departing and travelling as advertised
  • Comfortable, clean and accessible vehicles
  • A clear complaints procedure

In return, passengers are asked to respect drivers and fellow passengers, as well as helping to keep the bus clean by taking litter home.

Councillor Richard Wilkins, Somerset Council’s Executive Lead Member for Transport and Digital said:

The Bus Passenger Charter is essential in holding both Somerset Council and the operator to account – it ensures passengers can expect the best possible service.

Please do take a look, it’s important passengers are in a position to challenge inadequate or poor services effectively, and this lays out what bus users should rightly expect.”

You can download the charter via the Council’s Somerset Bus Passenger Charter webpage.

If you can’t access the internet please call our customer service team to request a copy on 0300 123 2224.

Bus stop button

About this article

June 7, 2024

Andrew Doyle

Press Release
