Somerset Council is offering an exciting opportunity for local businesses to be part of a new Somerset Economic Growth Board.

With the aim of driving forward economic prosperity in Somerset, the board will ensure local businesses have a voice in decisions affecting the future of the local economy.

The board is being created following a change of Government policy which has seen Somerset Council take on an increased role in defining local economic priorities.

This is an opportunity to contribute towards a vibrant and ambitious group, which will bring together a range of organisations to work collaboratively to shape and facilitate a flourishing local economy.

Cllr Ros Wyke, Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning and Assets at Somerset Council, said:

“The Government’s decision to withdraw core funding from the Local Enterprise Partnerships has created this unique opportunity for the new Economic Growth Board to look afresh at our economic challenges and opportunities and the local economy we want for Somerset.

“Through the Growth Board, we want to work with local businesses, and wider economic stakeholders, to develop and deliver a bold economic vision for Somerset, championing and furthering the County as a place to do business, work, invest, study and visit.”

Somerset Council is now seeking a number of business owners / leaders to join the Growth Board. Business representatives will have clear commitment to driving forward economic prosperity in Somerset, providing their insight, business experience and expertise to contribute to the work of the Board.

Private sector Board representatives are being recruited through an open and transparent process. To find out more and apply to become a private sector business representative on the Somerset Economic Growth Board, please complete the expression of interest form on the Somerset Economic Growth Board webpage  by 5pm on Wednesday 29th May. Having read the details online businesses are welcome to get in touch for an informal discussion about the role.

Somerset Council is keen to establish a diverse Board that is representative of both our community and our businesses. We welcome interest from individuals from all sections of our community and from owners / leaders of businesses of all sizes, sectors and locations across Somerset.  

About this article

May 16, 2024

David Blackwell

Press Release