Somerset Council is continuing to work alongside businesses and organisations in Watchet to boost visitor numbers and support the local economy following the closure of the B3191 Cleeve Hill.

It has provided £30,000 of funding to the Watchet Task Force comprising members of the Town Council and Chamber of Trade, to promote the town through a range of initiatives and events.

The Council recently held a business workshop to help identify and develop opportunities to improve footfall and gain new and repeat customers.

Some of the ideas discussed included creating offers with other businesses, looking at schemes to encourage and reward customers, and making the most of websites and social media to engage with customers.

Councillor Ros Wyke, Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning and Assets, said:

The aim was for businesses to recognise that by working together they can achieve much more, building resilience and helping to ensure the local economy thrives.

It’s fantastic to see local businesses coming together to learn and share. Knowing each other’s business, having information on local attractions, sharing offers and social media posts are just some of the opportunities that can come from getting together and understanding how others might help.

The B3191 on Cleeve Hill is closed indefinitely due to safety concerns following the results of a geotechnical survey looking at serious and significant cliff erosion close to the road. Further detailed inspections have confirmed that it will be impossible to safely reopen the road.  Somerset Council is in regular contact with the Government to identify possible options and funding streams for a new route.

Photo of people relaxing at the market near the harbour in Watchet

About this article

November 13, 2023

Rebecca Howat

Press Release