Somerset Council will be reconsidering an application for a proposed change of use of the Blue Ball Inn, Bagborough.

The former Somerset West and Taunton Council originally received the application for a proposed change of use of the Blue Ball Inn, from a Public House to Holiday Accommodation with Ancillary Bar (C3) and Community Use (F1 and F2).

Planning permission was erroneously granted under delegated powers in December 2022 when due to the number of objections, the application should have been referred to the Council’s Planning Committee for decision by Councillors.

As it is not possible for the Local Planning Authority to withdraw a planning permission once issued, a legal process was initiated through the High Court to quash the decision.

The successful judicial review of the decision means the planning application can now be considered for redetermination by members of the new Planning Committee West set up by Somerset Council.

The application is likely to go to Planning Committee West at its meeting on 18 July 2023.

About this article

June 16, 2023

Rebecca Howat

Press Release