The Hearing Support Team is part of the Children and Young People’s specialist service (previously known as SPOT), SEND and Inclusion support Somerset. The Hearing Support Team works with children and young people from birth up to 25 years old (post 16 young people will receive support in educational setting only with Education, Health and Care Plan).

The service visits children and young people in their homes, pre-school settings, schools and colleges.

They also provide information to parents about using hearing aids and the effects of hearing loss on language development and access to learning.

They work closely with audiologists, ENT (Ear Nose and Throat) consultants, cochlear implant teams, educational psychologists and speech and language therapists and voluntary agencies such as National Deaf Children’s Society.

The service also provides direct support and training for school and nursery staff in order to be sure the needs of your child are planned for.

Please look at a previous presentation at last years local offer live sessions  October 2022s Local Offer Live sessions where Rosie a member of the team shares the support the team can give to children and young people with hearing loss.

About this article

September 21, 2023

Samantha Baker