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Apex Leisure and Wildlife Park straddles Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge, covering approximately 42 acres. It was once an area of clay digging. Several pits were excavated, initially by hand and later by machine. The area which is now the car park was the brickworks where the clay was made into various items such as bricks, roof tiles and pipes. More information is available from the historical interpretation boards on-site.

In 2021, Apex Wildlife and Leisure Park was once again awarded the Green Flag. Green Flag Awards recognise well-managed, high-quality green spaces.


Apex Leisure and Wildlife Park includes a range of facilities including a large children’s play area, woodland walk, fishing lake, outdoor gym, dog agility area, seasonal catering concessions and skate park. A walk around the lake from the car park takes around 30 minutes.

Picnic tables and public toilets are located next to the free visitor car park, which is accessible from Marine Drive. Overnight stops by campers are not allowed at this site. A defibrillator is also available at this location for anyone suspected to be having a heart attack. There is additional seating dotted around the park and lake.

The dog agility course near the lake slipway in the car park is free to use. It is not enclosed so dogs must be kept under close control.

The outdoor gym consists of:

  • a pull down/shoulder press
  • a leg press
  • a seated row/chest press
  • a spinning bike
  • a cross trainer


An ice cream van, parked near the car park and lake slipway, is available seasonally.

Park Activities

Apex Wildlife and Leisure Park is available for hire with past events including charity dog walks, fetes and fairs. Frequent events are also organised by the council and the Friends of Apex Park. These include National Play Day, held on the first Wednesday of August, a Santa’s Grotto as well as bulb and tree planting.

There is a BMX club operating in this park.


There is a weekly 5km Parkrun every Saturday, starting at 9am. It is an inclusive community activity where you can walk, jog, run, volunteer, or watch. The event takes place at Apex Park, Marine Drive, Burnham-on-Sea & Highbridge, TA8 1LT. Find more information on the Parkrun and how to join here.


The Highbridge Angling Association lease the fishing rights for the larger section of the lake. The club have re-stocked the waters with Carp and Bream. To fish at the lake you need to get a permit from: Thyer Tackle Shop, Church Street, Highbridge. Phone: 01278 786934

A number of swims have been provided for the fisherman to use and to protect the reed beds.

Model Boats

The Sedgemoor Model Boat Club has been using the boating lake since it was formed in 1976 and is one of the most active clubs in the South West. They have a wide variety of radio-controlled models. Sedgemoor Model Boat Club hold regular meetings on Sunday mornings all year around and on Wednesday evenings during the summer months.

Park Wildlife

The lakes are probably the most obvious habitats and they attract lots of waterfowl and other bird life. Amongst the common herring gulls and mallard ducks there are cormorants, swans, kingfisher, reed warblers and great crested grebes. There are also large numbers of fish in the lake including carp and bream. The Wildflower Area is also a haven for wild birds and attracts large numbers of finches and stonechats during the winter. During the summer it is awash with butterflies such as Meadow Browns, Skippers and Peacocks. The large numbers of flowers also attract other insects such as the rare swiss cheese fly and lots of different sorts of bees, wasps and beetles. Woodland is the final major habitat present at the park it provides a home for lots of woodland birds such as blue tits, robins, and blackbirds.

Memorial benches

Apex Park has now reached maximum capacity for memorial benches. From Friday 9 February 2024 this service will not be in operation in the Sedgemoor area until further notice.

Additional information

Dogs must be kept on leads near to the play and outdoor gym equipment. They are excluded from the toddler playground and skate park. They must be kept under close control at all other areas of the park.

For directions to Apex Wildlife and Leisure Park, please use the postcode TA8 1NQ

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Address Apex Leisure & Wildlife Park, Marine Drive, Burnham-on-Sea, UK