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Library Self service

The latest information on library self service

Get started

We now use touch-screen kiosks that allow customers to borrow, renew and return books and other items. Self-service is convenient, easy to use and reduces queues at peak times. It frees up library staff to help with enquiries and to focus on customers who most need staff help.

How to use it

Our books and other loan items now contain microchips that can be scanned using Radio Frequency Identification technology. Simply place the item on the kiosk scanner tray and the machine will do the rest.

To return an item, just select that option on the screen. When the item has been scanned, you’ll be prompted to place it on the return shelf or in the collection box.

To borrow or renew items, select that option on the screen. Scan your library card barcode in the card scanner then enter your PIN on the touch screen to access your account. Place your items on the tray. Check that all your items have been recognised. Select Print Receipt and your return date will be printed on your receipt.

You can use a kiosk to pay charges and to see if a reserved item is available. Kiosks accept cash and give change.

A member of staff will be able to help should you require it.

Don't forget your PIN

If you don’t have a PIN yet or have forgotten it, you can phone us or speak to the staff when you are in a library.

Once you have set up a PIN, you can change it in the ‘Your Personal Details’ section on the LibrariesWest website or app.

The benefits

Self-service technology is playing a key part in the modernisation of the Library Service, enabling staff to concentrate on customer service and encouraging more efficient working practices.

Self-service also has a vital role in helping the service to achieve planned savings.

Last updated: July 7, 2023

Next review due: January 7, 2024

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