Library information services

You can ask us any question but please remember we can only give information not advice

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You can ask us any question but please remember we can only give information not advice

Get startedWe can help

Get started

Whatever information you need, we can provide you with a wide range of resources, both library-based and online.

Your library has a wide range of books, covering all subjects, including local history. You can also access information using our public access computers.

We can help

If you can’t find the information you are looking for, staff in your local library will be able to help you.

You can use our Free Reference Online service to find information – you can access many online resources at home, including encyclopaedias, newspapers and journals, business information and specialist subject resources.

Unfortunately, sometimes there are questions that we just can’t answer. Your question might go beyond the scope of our resources or it might be a question that can be better answered by someone with more specialist knowledge. If this is the case we will refer you to a more appropriate source.

Last updated: July 7, 2023

Next review due: January 7, 2024

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