What we do
The Somerset Homelessness Reduction Board (HRB) aspires to prevent homelessness and rough sleeping across Somerset. And to provide a better future for people who have experienced homelessness or rough sleeping.
We challenge current practice and we seek to provide creative solutions to complex problems. We co-ordinate strategy, partnership activity, resources, and operational delivery.
We were established in 2021 as a direct result of Everyone In – the response to Covid which sought to provide a safe home for all rough sleepers.
We learned a lot during this time – including the positive impact of close partnership working. Homes were found, support was provided, and people’s lives were saved. We seek to maintain the energy and commitment of this moment.
Over the past few years, we have developed a comprehensive work programme. We have achieved some real successes, but there is still much to do, at a time of shrinking resources and pressures on our workforce.
Somerset Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy
You can read the Somerset Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy (SHRSS) 2025 – 2030.
This document sets out the vision for preventing and reducing homelessness and rough sleeping in Somerset.
All local authorities are required to produce a Homelessness Strategy which must set out plans for preventing homelessness and ensuring that sufficient accommodation and support is and will be available for people who are or may become homeless.
The strategy is based on evidence, best practice and local priorities. It aims to ensure that everyone has a safe and suitable place to live. It was developed by Somerset Council and partners, with input from a public consultation during Summer 2024 and from those with lived experience. You can also read our strategy document (and the associated appendices) on our page Housing Strategies and Policies.
The strategy vision is: ‘By 2030 all elements of local government, in partnership with the voluntary sector, business and wider society, will be working together to ensure that everyone in Somerset has access to secure and suitable housing with appropriate support so that no-one should have to experience homelessness or rough sleeping again.’
The impact that we seek to achieve through the delivery of the vision can be summarised as follows:
‘Homelessness and rough sleeping will be prevented, and where it does occur it will be rare, brief and non-recurring.’
The strategy is framed around three principles which reflect the key topics that emerged from both partner engagement and public consultation:
- Increasing Early Help and Prevention
- Ending Rough Sleeping
- Suitable and Affordable Accommodation & Support to support the delivery of the above principles
The strategy also has two cross-cutting themes:
- Committing to Hearing and Acting on the Voice of Lived
Experience - Improving Health and Wellbeing
More details on the vision, impact, principles and themes can be found in the strategy document itself. An action plan to deliver the Strategy is now under development by the Homelessness Reduction Board (HRB).