What we do
The Somerset Homelessness Reduction Board (HRB) aspires to prevent homelessness and rough sleeping across Somerset. And to provide a better future for people who have experienced homelessness or rough sleeping.
We challenge current practice and we seek to provide creative solutions to complex problems. We co-ordinate strategy, partnership activity, resources, and operational delivery.
We were established in 2021 as a direct result of Everyone In – the response to Covid which sought to provide a safe home for all rough sleepers.
We learned a lot during this time – including the positive impact of close partnership working. Homes were found, support was provided, and people’s lives were saved. We seek to maintain the energy and commitment of this moment.
During the past two years, we have developed a comprehensive work programme. We have achieved some real successes, but there is still much to do, at a time of shrinking resources and pressures on our workforce.
Directory of Support Services
If you wish to report homelessness or you are looking for advice, visit the Council’s Homelessness advice and assistance page.
The Homelessness Reduction Board recognises that being homeless can bring with it a range of support needs. This can include a need for financial advice (including access to benefits), advice and support in relation to domestic violence, substance misuse, as well as need for advice and support with a range of mental and physical health conditions. Many of these services are provided by the voluntary and community sectors, The Homelessness Reduction Board, with the help of its partners, has created a directory of services, a comprehensive resource of support services that can be found across the county.
It is hoped that this resource will be of benefit for both residents and those professionals who seek to support homelessness and rough sleeping.
Somerset Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy
You can read the Somerset Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy (SHRSS).
This document sets out the vision, objectives and actions for preventing and reducing homelessness and rough sleeping in Somerset. It covers the four former districts of Mendip, Sedgemoor, South Somerset, and Somerset West and Taunton, as well as the former County Council and other partners.
The strategy is based on evidence, best practice and local priorities. It aims to ensure that everyone has a safe and suitable place to live.
You can also read our strategy document on our page Housing Strategies and Policies
The current strategy was adopted in 2019 and originally covered the period from 2019 to 2023. The strategy and document have been extended and remain in force until March 2025. It has four key objectives:
- to prevent homelessness wherever possible
- to reduce the need for temporary accommodation and end the use of unsuitable accommodation
- to support people to access and sustain settled accommodation
- to prevent and reduce rough sleeping.
Please note that we are currently reviewing the Somerset Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy. We will update this page with further details. In the meantime, you can register your interest in the review – please see our Register interest section below.
Review of the Strategy - Have your say on the formal consultation
We are currently reviewing the strategy.
We held a public consultation that closed on 23 September 2024. You can read about the Somerset Homelessness Strategy Consultation here.
General enquiries
If you have any general enquiries for the Somerset Homelessness Reduction Board, please use the link below. We aim to get back to you within 7 days.