I want to improve my home

Do I need planning permission

Advice on whether or not you require planning permission is available on the Planning Portal.

Do I need building regulations approval

For information on what requires building regulations approval, or to submit an application for approval, please visit the Somerset Building Control website.

I want to replace my windows

Find out if you need planning permission to replace your windows.

I want to create a driveway and drop my kerb

You can find information on whether you can do this by visiting our Dropped kerbs and driveways page.

How can I make energy improvements

Visit our energy efficiency at home page for information on grants to improve the energy efficiency of your home.

Further information on grants to make energy improvements can be found on the Government energy savings website.

You will find information on:

  • replacement boilers
  • insulation
  • windows
  • solar
  • rainwater harvesting

Can I build in my garden

Find information on what you can build in your garden on the planning portal.

I would like a grant to insulate my home

Visit our home energy team page for information on grants to insulate your home.

You can also visit the Government energy savings website for further information.

I need to replace my boiler

Visit our home energy team page for information on grants to help with replacing your boiler.

Further information can be found on the Government energy savings website.

I have a pest problem in my home

For advice on dealing with pests in your home or garden, please see our Pest control page.

I would like information on Disabled Facility Grants

You may be entitled to a grant to help to adapt your home so you may remain in it if you are disabled.

View our Financial assistance page for information on eligibility and how to apply.

How do I dispose of asbestos

Please see Asbestos and plasterboard information for information on the disposal of asbestos.

Last reviewed: July 11, 2024 by Neil

Next review due: January 11, 2025

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