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Our housing and services performance

We are committed to delivering top-quality housing and services to our residents. Explore our regulatory submissions and performance metrics.

Local Authority Housing Statistics (LAHS)

We report a wide range of housing statistics to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (formerly The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities). Our performance can be compared with all other housing providers in the country.

From financial year 2023 to 2024, Somerset Council submitted combined data for the in-house landlord service and Homes in Sedgemoor, the council’s Arm’s Length Management Organisation.

For financial years up to and including 2022 to 2023, LAHS data was submitted by the former Somerset West and Taunton Council and Homes in Sedgemoor separately. National and regional local authority housing data (by financial year) is published on the government’s website.

Local Authority Data Returns (LADR)

The Local Authority Data Return is an annual census conducted by the Regulator of Social Housing and completed by all registered Local Authority social housing providers in England.

From financial year 2023 to 2024, Somerset Council submitted combined data for the in-house landlord service and Homes in Sedgemoor, the council’s Arm’s Length Management Organisation.

For financial years up to and including 2022 to 2023, LAHS data was submitted by the former Somerset West and Taunton Council and Homes in Sedgemoor separately.

You can access data we have submitted to the Regulator by searching the local authority registered provider social housing stock and rents in England database on the GOV.UK website.

Somerset Council Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs)

The Regulator for Social Housing introduced the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) on 1 April 2023 as part of the ​Transparency, Influence and Accountability consumer standard. These measures are essential for all social housing providers to publish their performance.

Purpose of Tenant Satisfaction Measures

The primary goals of the Tenant Satisfaction Measures are to:

  • Provide tenants with greater transparency about their landlord’s performance.
  • Inform the Regulator about how landlords comply with consumer standards.
Tenant Satisfaction Measures Data Collection

The Tenant Satisfaction Measures data is collected through two types of indicators:

  • Transactional Indicators: 10 indicators that show performance outcomes.
  • Perception Indicators: 12 indicators that report tenant satisfaction.
Somerset Council’s Housing Performance

These Tenant Satisfaction Measures results published on this page apply to all social housing owned by Somerset Council. We manage our housing stock through two operational models: In-House Landlord: Formerly Somerset West and Taunton and our ALMO (Arm’s Length Management Organization). You can view the performance of both operations on their respective pages on the Homes in Sedgemoor website.

TSM ReferenceIndicatorSomerset Council Result
TSM ReferenceBS01IndicatorProportion of homes for which all required gas safety checks have been carried out.Somerset Council Result99.9%
TSM ReferenceBS02IndicatorProportion of homes for which all required fire risk assessments have been carried out.Somerset Council Result100%
TSM ReferenceBS03IndicatorProportion of homes for which all required asbestos management surveys or re-inspections have been carried out.Somerset Council Result99.3%
TSM ReferenceBS04IndicatorProportion of homes for which all required legionella risk assessments have been carried out. Somerset Council Result100%
TSM ReferenceBS05IndicatorProportion of homes for which all required communal passenger lift safety checks have been carried out.Somerset Council Result100%
TSM ReferenceNM01 (1)IndicatorNumber of anti-social behaviour cases, opened per 1,000 homes.Somerset Council Result28.8
TSM ReferenceNM01 (02)IndicatorNumber of anti-social behaviour cases that involve hate incidents per 1,000 homes.Somerset Council Result0.6
TSM ReferenceRP01IndicatorProportion of homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard.Somerset Council Result3.2%
TSM ReferenceRP02 (1)IndicatorProportion of non-emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord’s target timescale. Somerset Council Result95.1%
TSM ReferenceRP02 (2)IndicatorProportion of emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord’s target timescale.Somerset Council Result94.5%
TSM ReferenceCH01 (1)IndicatorNumber of stage one complaints received per 1,000 homes.Somerset Council Result42.0
TSM ReferenceCH01 (2)IndicatorNumber of stage two complaints received per 1,000 homes.Somerset Council Result4.9
TSM ReferenceCH02 (1)IndicatorProportion of stage one complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code timescales.Somerset Council Result91.3%
TSM ReferenceCH02 (2)IndicatorProportion of stage two complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code timescales.Somerset Council Result91.5%

TSM ReferenceIndicatorSomerset Council Result
TSM ReferenceTP01IndicatorProportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied with their overall service from their landlord.Somerset Council Result76.4%
TSM ReferenceTP02IndicatorProportion of respondents who have received a repair in the last 12 months who report they are satisfied with the overall repairs service.Somerset Council Result78.6%
TSM ReferenceTP03IndicatorProportion of respondents who have received a repair in the last 12 months who report they are satisfied with the time taken to complete their most recent repair. Somerset Council Result78.2%
TSM ReferenceTP04IndicatorProportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied that their home is well maintained.Somerset Council Result76.1%
TSM ReferenceTP05IndicatorProportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied that their home is safe.Somerset Council Result83.3%
TSM ReferenceTP06IndicatorProportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied that their landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them.Somerset Council Result65.5%
TSM ReferenceTP07IndicatorProportion of respondents who report they are satisfied that their landlord keeps them informed about things that matter to them.Somerset Council Result79.9%
TSM ReferenceTP08IndicatorProportion of respondents who report that they agree their landlord treats them fairly and with respect.Somerset Council Result80.3%
TSM ReferenceTP09IndicatorProportion of respondents who report making a complaint in the last 12 months who are satisfied with their landlord’s approach to complaints handling. Somerset Council Result34.2%
TSM ReferenceTP10IndicatorProportion of respondents with communal areas who report that they are satisfied that their landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained.Somerset Council Result68.6%
TSM ReferenceTP11IndicatorProportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied that their landlord makes a positive contribution to the neighbourhood.Somerset Council Result71.9%
TSM ReferenceTP12IndicatorProportion of respondents who report that they are satisfied with their landlord’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour.Somerset Council Result64.4%

Complaint Performance and Improvement

As a member of the Housing Ombudsman scheme, we have a statutory duty to assess our complaints performance against the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code. We have worked hard to align with the Code since its inception in 2020, to ensure we provide the best complaints handling service to our residents.

In February 2024, the Housing Ombudsman Service published their revised Complaint Handling Code, with which we needed to be compliant as from 1st April 2024. For the first time, the Code became a statutory requirement of the consumer standards as set out by the Regulator for Social Housing.

From April, new powers were given to the Housing Ombudsman Service to monitor our complaint handling performance. They can now check our compliance through:

  • Oversight and scrutiny – the self-assessment exercise.
  • Policy – by using our self-assessment declaration to check the policy against our submission.
  • Practice – checking the extent to which we are managing our complaints in line with the Code and framework based on the enquiries they receive, investigations they undertake and determinations they may make against us.

If we are not compliant with our self-assessment declaration the Housing Ombudsman can intervene. They may issue a Complaint Handling Failure Order which will be published; and in extreme cases of non-action, they may refer us to the Regulator of Social Housing for investigation.

The Housing Ombudsman expect us to adopt a ‘comply or explain’ rationale to our assessment against the Complaint Handling Code. In simple terms, if we are not able to comply with the Code, we must explain (and have a very good reason) why this is. We must also publish a copy of our current self-assessment on our website.

Under the Complaint Handling Code, we must produce an annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report, which considers both quantitative and qualitative data, trends and learning outcomes from our residents’ feedback. The Housing Ombudsman also publish landlord performance data on their own website. Here, you can read about any findings the Ombudsman have made against us and Homes in Sedgemoor in the last twelve months.

Annual reports to tenants

The annual report to tenants is a summary of the work carried out across the housing directorate during the year, as well as a review of our performance. The report covers each operational year that starts in April and ends in March the following year. It also sets out plans for the year ahead. We hope that you will find the content both interesting and informative.

We would appreciate your feedback on the report and welcome comments. You can submit your feedback by using our online general enquiry form or phone us on  0300 123 2224.

We are delighted to make our Annual Report 2022 to 2023 available to you now.

Last updated: March 25, 2025

Next review due: September 25, 2025

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