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Information about the types of affordable housing in Mendip which are provided on a rental or home ownership basis

Social RentAffordable RentShared OwnershipFirst HomesDiscounted open market

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Social Rent

Social rented homes are provided by both the local authority and registered providers (housing associations).

These homes are ideal for people and families with a low income.

Affordable Rent

Affordable rented homes are provided by housing associations,  rents are lower than those on private market. Affordable rented homes are ideal for those who are unable to obtain a mortgage or do not want financial commit of home ownership.

Shared Ownership

Shared ownership products are provided by housing associations. You are able to buy a share of your home between a 25 to 75%, you then pay a reduced rent on the remaining equity of the property.

Shared ownership are aimed at those who can afford more than an affordable rent, but for example may live in a very high value area and cannot afford to own their own home. This provides you with opportunity to own a home and you can increase your share over time. In some cases you may even be able to ‘staircase’ to full ownership.

If you would like some further information about shared ownership or the Help to Buy Scheme, please see Own Your Home website.

First Homes

These are discounted homes for sale to local first time buyers and key workers and have a price cap of £250,000.

First Homes are likely to become available in new private developments from 2023 onwards. The level of discount and restriction to eligible buyers stays with the property when re-sold.

For more information, see First Homes in Mendip.

Discounted open market

Discounted open market is delivered through  private developer or house builder and is available for full ownership. You do not own a share and you do not pay any rent. The home is available at a discount: between 70% to 80% of its open market value.

Our first discounted open market units in the Mendip area has been delivered by Summerfield Homes,  located at Church Meadows, Baltonsborough / BA6 8RP.

Last reviewed: July 11, 2024 by Neil

Next review due: January 11, 2025

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