Mendip self build and custom housebuilding register

Under the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015, local authorities are required to maintain a register of individuals and groups, who have expressed an interest in building a bespoke home in Mendip.

To be on the register you will need to provide your name and address. If you are registering as a group, you will need to provide the number of plots being sought.

To be on the register, you must be:

  • aged 18 or over;
  • a British Citizen, a national of a state in the European Economic Area or Switzerland;
  • seeking (alone or with others) to acquire a serviced plot of land to build a house to occupy as a sole or main residence.

The Council has a duty to have regard to the register in developing planning policies and development plans.

Please note that inclusion on the register does not guarantee a suitable plot will be identified or become available.

Application to be included on our register

If you would like to apply to be included on our register please fill out the appropriate form, either as an individual or as a group.

If you are applying as a couple or applying on behalf of a household, please select one member to represent the household and then apply as an individual.

Group application: To apply as a group you must first appoint a lead contact; this person will be the main point of contact on behalf of the group. In order for an application to be valid each member of the group must register their details individually as part of the group form. There is an opportunity for this after the lead contact has submitted their details.

Please note that there is a limit of up to 10 people per group who can register online. If you have more than 10 members in your group, then please contact us.

We will return confirmation of whether your application is eligible to be included on our register within 28 days.


By submitting an application form you are accepting that we may use this data to better understand local demand and how best to encourage plots to be made available. Please note that only names and addresses are included on the formal register and additional individual information on the application form remains confidential without written consent. You can also request to be removed from the register at any time.

If you require any extra information there is a Frequently Asked Questions document available here: Self and custom build FAQs.

Headline data

Data in relation to our Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Register is published annually and is available here: Headline data for Self and Custom build in Mendip

Last reviewed: July 11, 2024 by Neil

Next review due: January 11, 2025

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