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For help or to report someone you think is a victim of modern-day slavery phone 24 Hour modern slavery helpline on 0800 121 700 or visit Modern Day Slavery Helpline.

Human Trafficking is a crime. It is the movement of people by means such as force, coercion, or deception, with the aim of exploiting them. It is a form of Modern-Day Slavery.

The elements below all form part of trafficking:

  • The Act: Recruiting, transportation, transfer, harbouring, or receipt of persons.
  • The Means: Force, fraud, Coercion Deception.
  • The Purpose: Exploitation.

Victims of exploitation could be those born into servitude, or those who escape a trafficker before being exploited.

This can include anyone who once consented to work for a trafficker or slave master, or participated in a crime as a direct result of being enslaved.

For more information and help please visit Modern Day Slavery Helpline.

Signs or general indicators of Modern-Day Slavery

Appearance - Signs of physical or psychological abuse, malnourished, unkempt, appearing agitated or withdrawn, neglected.

Lack of Freedom - Rarely allowed to go out or travel on their own, appear to be under the control or influence of someone else, rarely interact or appear unfamiliar with their neighbourhood or where they work.

Debt Bondage - Relationships appear odd, such as a teenager appearing to be the girlfriend or boyfriend of a much older adult. Or in debt or dependant on someone else.

Accommodation - Living in dirty cramped accommodation and or living and working at the same address. Overcrowded and windows that are constantly blacked out or curtains always closed.

Work – Have no identification documents, or few personal belongings and always wearing the same clothes, which may be unsuitable for the work they are doing. Being dropped off and picked up for work in the same places on a regular basis late at night or early in the morning.

Lack of Control – Little opportunity to move freely and may have their travel documents restrained, such as passports.

Hidden Signs - Children being picked up and dropped off by Taxis at inappropriate times and in places where it is not clear why they are there.

Behaviour - Reluctance to seek help, appear frightened and avoid eye contact. They may fear law enforcers for many reasons, such as not knowing who to trust. Or who to go to for help. Fear of deportation, or fear of violence towards them and their family.

Last updated: February 23, 2024

Next review due: August 23, 2024

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