Council Tax enquiries - There may be delays in speaking to our Customer Service Team due to a high volume of calls.
You can find information about your Council Tax bill on our Your Council Tax bill explained page.

About the scheme

The government has announced the Homes for Ukraine sponsorship pathway. You can register your interest in sponsoring a family on GOV.UK- Homes for Ukraine. This page gives guidance about who can become a sponsor.

If you wish to be matched to a Ukrainian individual or family, you can register here.

If you have registered with GOV.UK, you can also find additional support and help with matching you as a sponsor with people coming from Ukraine from:

The Home Secretary has confirmed that Ukrainians who are on work, study or visit visas in the UK will have their visas temporarily extended or be able to switch onto different visa routes. You can find more information on visas here. There is also advice for British nationals in Ukraine on the GOV.UK website.

Information about the process

Here is a quick outline of the process: 

  • Register your interest at
  • If you wish to be matched to Ukrainian individual or family, you can register here
  • The sponsor or the guest fills out the single visa application form online using both parties’ details. You can find more information here.
  • Details on the location of the proposed accommodation, from the application is passed to the Council from the Home Office.
  • The Home Office and Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) are responsible for the vetting checks that determine the outcome of the visa application.
  • While the Home Office and DLUHC carry out vetting checks, information about matched sponsors is passed to the local council.
  • The council will complete local checks (DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service), and property) to make sure guests are arriving into a safe space. To help us carry out the necessary checks and to support the needs of the person or family you are sponsoring, you will need to complete an internal Somerset Form. This will be emailed to you once you have been matched.
  • Our local checks will not impact someone’s ability to travel and do not speed up the visa application.
  • The Home Office will issue the guest with a permit to travel. When the Home Office issues the guest(s) with a permit to travel, sponsors must support the guest to coordinate their arrival.
  • The council provides welcome arrangements for guests, including things like health and school places and settling people in.
  • Ukrainian guests will be contacted after their arrival and invited to a welfare check. The sponsor and guest will be asked by the welfare provider if a UK bank account has been opened. If not, the sponsor will be asked to prioritise setting this up with the guest and book a welfare check within a minimum of 3 working days to allow for the account to be opened. Sponsors will be requested to contact the welfare provider via a referral form to let them know when the bank account is live or to notify of any problems. If there is a problem in setting up an account, the subsistence payment of £200 per guest will be paid at the welfare check in cash. If a bank account has been set up the subsistence payment will be paid by a bank transfer. This welfare check will take place in a community setting by Somerset Council’s welfare provider

‘Thank you’ payments

The government has confirmed that they will make a one-off ‘thank you’ payment of £350 per household each month. This payment rises to £500 per household per month one year after the guest’s arrival in the UK. However, after April 2025 all host payments for the Homes for Ukraine and UEP scheme are at the lower rate of £350 per calendar month, no matter how long the guest has been in UK. It has also been confirmed that this money will not count as income, so it will not affect your eligibility for benefits or council tax discount.

You will be unable to charge rent and although many hosts will provide food, this is not a requirement. Ukrainian refugees will be eligible for benefits.

As of 1 October 2024, close family members of eligible minors are not eligible to start claiming thank you payments. We define a close family member to a child as:

  • a spouse, or civil or unmarried partner
  • a parent
  • a parent-in-law
  • a sibling
  • an aunt or uncle
  • a grandparent

Or the spouse, or civil or unmarried partner of any of the above.

Also as of 1 October 2024, sponsors/hosts of new arrivals are not eligible to receive thank you payments for hosting a close family member who moves into their home in the UK.  This change applies to payment claims taking place from this date, irrespective of visa application dates.

Close family members include:

  • a spouse, or civil or unmarried partner
  • a parent
  • a parent-in-law
  • a son or daughter
  • a son- or daughter-in-law
  • a step-son or daughter
  • a sibling
  • a grandparent

Or the spouse, civil partner or unmarried partner of any of these people.

Council tenants and private letting

Council tenants or shared owners should let their Council know if they intend to sponsor someone though the scheme by contacting their housing officer. This is so that the appropriate consent can be provided (this will not be classed as subletting as described in your Tenancy Agreement), and to make sure the accommodation is appropriate, and connect people up to the right support. Tenants are also advised that they contact their home contents insurance company to notify them of any changes as some insurance policies may require this.

Private letting 
Please get permission from your landlord if you intend to sponsor someone through the scheme.

Homes for Ukraine Transport Grant

The Homes for Ukraine transport grant is worth £500 per person. It has been made available to support you with your transport needs. An application can be made for each person in your family. Eligibility criteria below:

  • Must have a Homes for Ukraine visa
  • Must be resident in Somerset
  • Must be over 5 years of age
  • And has not received the grant before

To apply

Please email us:

Please allow 4 weeks for us to process your application 

To collect your money 
You will be sent a voucher code via email, please present this code at your local post office. Keep in mind that the post office may not carry enough cash to immediately meet your needs so do ring in advance if you are unsure.
You can find you nearest post office here: Branch Finder | Post Office

Please see suggestions for how to use the grant below: 

Грант на транспортні витрати Homes for Ukraine

Команда Homes for Ukraine у Раді округу Сомерсет із задоволенням повідомляє про запуск транспортного гранту Homes for Ukraine, який буде доступний з 14 грудня 2022 року. Грант складає 500 фунтів стерлінгів на особу, його було надано, щоб підтримати вас у ваши транспортних потреба. Заяву можна оформити на кожного члена вашої родини. Критерії прийнятності нижче:

  • Необхідно мати візу Homes for Ukraine
  • Повинен проживати в Сомерсеті
  • Небхідно бути старше 5 років
  • Ви не отримували цей грант раніше

Як отримати грант:

напишіть нам:
Натисніть це посилання вище та заповніть онлайн-форму. Якщо у вас виникнуть додаткові запитання, зв’яжіться з нами за адресою 
Будь ласка, дайте нам 4 тижні для обробки вашої заявки.
Як отримати ваші гроші
Вам буде надіслано код ваучера електронною поштою. Будь ласка, надайте цей код у місцевому поштовому відділенні. Майте на увазі, що на пошті може бути недостатньо готівки, щоб негайно задовольнити ваші потреби, тому подзвоніть заздалегідь, якщо ви не впевнені.
Ви можете знайти найближче поштове відділення тут: Branch Finder | Post Office
Перегляньте пропозиції щодо використання гранту нижче:
– Схеми громадського транспорту: Використання громадського транспорту – Travel Somerset
– Ви можете докласти цы грошы до вашиз заощаджень, щоб купити автомобіль/мопед (пам’ятайте, що вам доведеться сплатити податок, застрахувати та заправити свій автомобіль). Ви повинні мати дійсне водійське посвідчення, будь ласка, дізнайтеся більше тут: Водіння у Великій Британії з не британськими правами – GOV.UK (
– Придбайте велосипед. Можливо, поблизу вас є місцеві благодійні організації, які пропонують відремонтовані вживані велосипеди. Крім того, дивіться на Gumtree (Gumtree | Безкоштовні оголошення з першого сайту оголошень у Великобританії), eBay (Електроніка, автомобілі, мода, колекціонування та інше | eBay або місцева група freecycle: Find a Town)
– Ви вижете витрати ці кошти на  квитки на автобу – Подорожуйте Сомерсет Travel Somerset

More information and resources

Homes for Ukraine: factsheet for Ukrainians – This factsheet explains how Ukrainians can apply to the Homes for Ukraine sponsorship scheme.

Model document translations for visa applications – Visa applicants must have evidence of their UK-based family link: a copy of an official document that confirms the relationship with their UK-based family member. This can be a marriage or a birth certificate, for example. UK-based professional language associations and organisations have created model document translations for the most commonly needed documents.

Citizens Advice – Support information for Homes for Ukraine Sponsors

Help and support for Ukrainian Refugees –  Help And Support For Ukrainian Refugees In The UK.

Renting private accommodation: Homes for Ukraine – GOV.UK – Government guidance on renting including the rules on a Council tax discount of 50% for Ukrainian guests in private rental properties.

Driving licence and driving information – Guests are no longer required to exchange their driving licence after 12 months or register their car after 6 months.

Last updated: December 10, 2024

Next review due: June 10, 2025

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