Social Housing in Somerset

We own social housing in two geographical areas:

Stock in Somerset West and Taunton

Social housing asset value for Somerset West and Taunton is not currently available.

Stock in Sedgemoor

How to ask for more information

If you have queries with any of the information listed in the data, please contact us specifying what additional information you require.

Formats available
  • Comma-separated values (CSV) – This file format is widely used in government for sharing and receiving data. You can read more about CSV file format on GOV.UK.
  • Portable Document Format (PDF) – Used to present documents that are independent of software, hardware or an operating system. You can find out more about PDF on the Adobe website.
How often is it published?

We will publish this data annually.

Improving the data

We are working to break this data into post code sectors.

Why we publish this type of data

This dataset is a requirement of the Local Government Transparency Code 2015.


Our data is provided under the terms of the Open Government Licence.

What is in this data

The data categorises the value of our council houses into bands. The data does not identify individual properties.

The valuations are provided as:

  • Open Market Value (OMV) – which is an estimate of the value of each property if sold with vacant possession between a willing buyer and a willing seller. For those properties where an open market value cannot be established, properties are valued based on a discounted cash flow basis for their existing use.
  • Existing Use Value – Social Housing (EUV-SH), which takes open market value for the individual dwellings and applies a discount factor of 35% to reflect the reduced value as a result of use for social housing.

The publication of this information is not intended to suggest that tenancies should end to realise the market value of properties.

Last updated: February 13, 2025

Next review due: August 13, 2025

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