
What is in this data

The data is GIS polygons of the draft settlement boundaries as set out on the Council’s Draft Local Plan (2011-2032) Policies Map.

The Draft Local Plan and associated Policies Map were submitted for examination to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on 1st August 2017.

What does each column mean

For each Polygon:

  • Policy_Name: Settlement Boundary – Identifies that polygon relates to the settlement boundaries as identified in the draft Local Plan
  • Policy_Number: S2 – Refers to policy S2 (Spatial Strategy), in the draft Local Plan, which sets out the Council’s proposed approach to development proposals located either within or outside of settlement boundaries.
  • Description: various (unique for each polygon) – Names the specific settlement that the particular settlement boundary polygon refers to (e.g. Bridgwater, Woolavington, Cheddar etc.).
How often it is published

This data reflects the settlement boundaries as set out on the draft Policies Map submitted as part of the Local Plan (2011-2032) examination. The data will be superseded in due course by the finalised settlement boundaries when the examination has concluded and the Local Plan is formally adopted. These may be different to the draft settlement boundaries were the Inspector has recommended that changes are necessary.

Improving the data

The Local Plan and its associated Policies Map are subject to formal examination by an independent Inspector.

How to ask for more information

If you have an queries with any of the information listed in the data, please contact us specifying what additional information you require.


Our data is provided under the terms of the  Open Government Licence.

Last updated: January 29, 2025

Next review due: July 29, 2025

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