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Privacy notice for parents and carers. What we do with your personal data

Public Health Nursing (PHN) service

Public Health Nursing (PHN) service

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Your Right to be Informed

You have the right under current data protection legislation to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data by Somerset Council. The following statement sets out how we will use the information you have provided as part of the Public Health Nursing (PHN) service.

The Midwifery team will use your name, address, and date of birth, to notify your GP and Health Visitor that you are going to become a parent. In doing so, your information will be shared with maternity and neonatal services where you and your partner access maternity care.

Midwifery is required to share your information with the following organisations/individuals for the following purposes:

  • Your GP – to inform them you are going to become a parent.
  • Your Health Visitor – To inform them you are going to become a parent. Your Health Visitor will create an electronic health record for you which will link you to your partner and child.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, Somerset Council is relying on the following lawful bases for processing your personal data:

  • Article 6(c) – using your data in this way is necessary for us to comply with a legal obligation
  • Article 6(e) – using your data in this way is necessary for us to perform a task in the public interest, or to fulfil our statutory functions, where the task or function has a clear basis in law
  • Article 9(h) – using your data in this way is necessary for the purposes of medical diagnosis, the provision of health or social care, or the treatment or management of health or social care systems and services, in accordance with the law

For more detailed information about how Somerset Council uses personal data and for information about your Data Protection rights, please refer to the Privacy Statement on our website.

Last updated: February 27, 2024

Next review due: August 27, 2024

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