
What is in this data?

The data available replicates the map (no 5) which was published in the “Sedgemoor Landscape Assessment and Countryside Design Summary” in 2003

The areas area represented as Region objects.

The co-ordinates are for British National Grid [epsg:27700].

The data is provided as a GIS shape file (Mapinfo and Esri).

Further information is available in the downloads section below.

What does each column mean?

MAINNAME – Name of Character Area

SUBNAME – Name of Sub Character Area

ID – Unique identifier

UPDDATE – Date the GIS record was amended

How often is it published?

This is a static dataset. There are no plans to update it in the near future

Why we publish this type of data

To assist with data use.


Our data is provided under the terms of the Open Government Licence.

How to ask for more information

If you have queries with any of the information listed in the data, please contact us specifying what additional information you require.



Somerset West and Taunton

These documents describe the Landscape Character Areas for the West region of Somerset. They are divided into the former district areas of West Somerset and Taunton Deane.

Last updated: February 16, 2024

Next review due: August 16, 2024

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