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What we do with the information you give us when you use our raise issues about Enviro-crime.

Your RightsPrivacy Notice

Your Rights

You have specific rights in relation to the data that you provide to the Council. To find out more, including how to make a request, please see our Information Rights page.

Privacy Notice

Services covered by this privacy notice – Environment and Community Protection – Enviro-Crime

Purpose of the processing

The personal data provided is used to enable the council to process and investigate the incident being reported or situation brought to our attention. This includes witness statements and investigations related to the incident reported.

Legal basis for processing personal data

  • Legal obligation
  • Public task

Categories of personal data being processed

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Photographs and Images
  • Vehicle Information
  • Financial

Special categories of personal data being processed (if appropriate)

  • Race
  • Ethnic Origin (including Nationality)
  • Religious and cultural beliefs
  • Child information
  • Health (mental or physical)
  • Criminal records
  • Biometrics (where used for ID)

Legal basis for processing special categories of personal data – Substantial public interest

Who the data might be shared with

  • Other council departments and relevant contracted services
  • Police and other emergency services
  • Environment Agency
  • Other government departments and agencies specifically involved in public regulatory duties
  • Housing Associations and Landlords
  • Utility Companies
  • Bailiffs and other contractors
  • Legal advisors and representatives
  • Other Local Authorities/Unitary Authorities
  • NHS and Public health Practitioners

How long will the data be kept for

6 years from last action.

In certain circumstances this period may be extended for enforcement cases and other regulatory needs in accordance with our information assets register. Where the period is extended, data will be reviewed annually to determine whether personal data can be removed.

3 years for DVLA data.

Last reviewed: February 28, 2024 by Ian

Next review due: August 28, 2024

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