Our vision

Commissioning is how we work out what is needed, and work with everyone involved to make those things happen in the best and most cost-effective way.

Our vision is to become a commissioning driven authority. This is because this is the best way we can:

  • deliver the council’s priorities as set out in the Somerset Council Plan
  • live within our means in the face of sustained public spending cuts
  • take an informed approach to allocating and prioritising scarce resources
  • undertake the unprecedented rethinking of public services (and our relationship with the public) that is necessary at scale and at pace
  • truly understand the needs of our population and different places
  • make best use of all available resources (not just those we directly control)
  • continually challenge ourselves on the impact we are having and how well we are achieving the outcomes that matter most

Last updated: July 17, 2024

Next review due: January 17, 2025

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