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What we do with the information you give us when you use our Environment and Community Protection Team at Somerset Council for air quality.

Your RightsPrivacy Notice

Your Rights

You have specific rights with the data that you provide to the Council. To find out more, including how to make a request, please see our Information Rights page.

Privacy Notice

Services covered by this privacy notice – Air Quality

Purpose of the processing – The personal data you provide is used to assist the Council in monitoring air quality and to discover trends over time.

Legal basis for processing personal data

Legal obligation
Public Task

Categories of personal data being processed

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email Address
  • Phone numbers

Special categories of personal data being processed (if appropriate) – Health/medical information

Legal basis for processing special categories of personal data – Substantial Public Interest

Who the data might be shared with

  • Other council departments
  • Police and other emergency services
  • Local, county and unitary authorities
  • Other regulatory environmental departments
  • Housing Associations and Landlords
  • Public Health England and Health Practitioners
  • Legal advisors and representatives
  • Utility companies and contractors

How long will the data be kept for

25 years from receipt of information. However, after 6 years the data will be reviewed annually to assess whether the personal data can be removed.

Last reviewed: February 22, 2024 by Ian

Next review due: August 22, 2024

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